Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Inferno (1953) ***

Bob Ryan is terrific in this gorgeously shot survival yarn slash noir featuring a lovely Rhonda Fleming. Breakneck pace helps.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Woman in Chains (1968) *

Ham fisted pop psych goes nowhere.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Blow-Up (1966) ***

Iconic take on the swingin' London 60's scene has some great moments but the mimes are a real drag man.

Seven Days from Now (1957) ***

Gripping survival at sea yarn well played by all concerned.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Victims of Sin (1951) **

Overwrought Mexican melo has a few sequences that are exceptionally well done. Too few.

Alan Cumming Says Stanley Kubrick Restored His Faith in Movies

“Now when I do a film or something and the director says, ‘Oh, that was perfect, let’s do one more,’ I think, A) Why do one more if it was perfect? And B) You’re not going to say anything? You’re not going to say why we’re doing it again? “Other people say, ‘Oh, just try another one.’ Stanley would be like, ‘OK, look at the monitor here and see the way your lip moves there. When you say that word, look in this direction…’ Every time you did a take, you were so excited to try and get it right for him.”

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Lifeboat (1944) ***

Slightly stagy but still engrossing tale of survival at sea in WWII all inside a large lifeboat.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

The Beast (2023) *

2.5 hours, nearly every frame with the stupendous Ms. Seydoux, and this is the best you can do? Shameful.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Aftersun (2022) **

Well constructed melo makes you do some work (a good thing) but something is missing as the payoff is not that cathartic. In real life it seldom is but this is the movies.