Tuesday, May 18, 2004

New York Daily News - Home - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Daring look to Kerry off:
"Midlevel aide gets Russerted!: When Secretary of State Colin Powell's press aide, Emily Miller, tried to end her boss' taped Sunday interview from Jordan with Tim Russert, the 'Meet the Press' moderator exacted his revenge. Not only did the multimillionaire TV newsman embarrass the government wage-earner by airing the awkward moment, he worked himself into a lather of righteous indignation for such media outlets as CNN and The Washington Post. 'A taxpayer-paid employee interrupted an interview,' Russert complained to The Post. 'Not in the United States of America, that's not supposed to go on. This is attempted news management gone berserk.'"

And I thought Tom Brokaw was the most arrogant, pompous, self-righteous, egotistical talking head in the world. I guess I was wrong. I wonder what 'Big Russ' has to say about this?

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