Friday, April 07, 2006

Russell Shaw: Couric's Anchor Appointment Is a National Disgrace | The Huffington Post:
"It hasn't helped that the morning show balance has tipped to the less serious, Bauder notes Syracuse University journalism professor Charlotte Grimes as saying. Grimes - a female- tells Bowder the new anchor needs to ditch the fashion consultants and crafters of the 172 hairstyles that Couric joked about on Wednesday's 'Today' show. 'I think she does have the background but she's going to have to overcome the most recent memories of her,' Grimes tells Bauder. Still, Katie Couric is going to have to prove that she has the chops to be the steady anchor for news reports from, and about, this turbulent word we live in."

What world has THIS guy been living in for the past 30 years? When was the last time network news was relevant and not driven by profit? I'll tell you: 1974. Network wasn't called a satire for nothing. Gravitas? These people do nothing more than read the news. What kind of chops do you need? So this guy thinks Ms. Couric is too hot to read the news. She's apparently too "classically beautiful". Take a cold shower buddy. She's a LONG way from Jessica Savitch who was inarguably THE most beautiful woman to ever read the news on national network TV, albeit on Saturdays, and who did a damn fine job at that. And Edward R. Murrow did more than his share of fluff.

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