Monday, December 09, 2019

Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jewell: Atlanta Newspaper Sends Legal Plea – Variety

“The film literally makes things up and adds to misunderstandings about how serious news organizations work,” said Riley. “It’s ironic that the film commits the same sins that it accuses the media of committing.”

Riley did not personally know Scruggs and was not at the paper during the time of the bombing. A recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution talked to people who knew and worked with Scruggs and who felt that her portrayal in the film “veers from reality.” It quotes Ron Martz, who co-bylined Scruggs’ initial story on Jewell being a suspect, with saying that no one associated with the film reached out to him.

“If they had actually contacted me it might have ruined their idea of what they wanted the story to be,” Martz told the paper. “It’s obvious to me they did not go to any great lengths to find out what the real characters were like.”

The Hollywood biopic strikes again. Look, if you're going to monetize your claims of veracity you MUST be accurate. If you can't do that, CHANGE THE NAMES! It's not that difficult.

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